Design and humor... what more could you want?


Graphic Designer by day and fashion blogger by... well still by day.

Honesty, Bravery, and Pantsuits

Lately, I haven’t been feeling confident. I’ve had lack of confidence with work, friends, and other aspects of my life. I hate having self-doubt: it eats away at me. I’m also the type that has to express myself. If I’m feeling a certain way, I can’t bottle up my emotions, I have to talk to friends about it. I have to let people know how I feel and why, and if their the cause. At times, I feel like I’m too honest, too vocal, too forward. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I know that, but that’s also a dangerous place for your heart to be, exposed to all the elements. I just have to keep remembering, honesty is one of the bravest things you can do: you can be honest, knowing full well it’s not going to make things better.

However, while feeling down in the dumps, I bought the Atlantic-Pacific pantsuit (she even commented on instagram that I rocked it). When I wore this, I did feel better. I felt confident, cool, and sexy. (also extremely comfortable and soft) I got my groove back for a day. One of my friends, also my avid gym buddy, met up with me on The Greenway and we just rocked it for 20 minutes. I think people thought I was famous (we were right near Faneuil Hall, a lot of tourists onlooking). I walk The Greenway almost everyday. It’s where I go to think and people watch. I still remember when the highway was there, and you felt like you could reach your hand out the car window, and touch a building. Now this area is filled with different art installations and beautiful gardens. It’s one of my favorite places to go, and just relax.