Scenic Global Social Media
My goal as the Global Social Media Manager for Scenic Eclipse was to share the story of the first 6-star luxury ship and share her journies as an entity of its own. The account became a travel diary and inspired guests to share right along “#ScenicEclipse.” Not only is the Instagram account meant to connect with guests on a personal level, but it plays into the “FOMO” culture with new audiences. “FOMO” is a Key Performance Indicator (the theory of recognition memory).

It's all about the grid...
My goal was to create an overall style for the brand, which consisted of editing photos from scheduled shoots and editing user-generated content to have consistent lighting, coloring, and feel.

To increase Brand Awareness my team and I researched social trends and hashtags, where I would write the copy to present globally.

A sample page from the brand guidelines I created for the Global communications team.

The oh so sexy stats...
From the end of September of 2019 when the account began and I took over the overall look and voice of the account, until when I left in April 2020, in 8 months there was a 350% growth.