Design and humor... what more could you want?


Graphic Designer by day and fashion blogger by... well still by day.

Breakfast Club

Lately I’ve been really digging the 80’s vibe: women wearing masculine cuts, the short hair, and a ton of attitude. Just channeling my inner Molly Ringwald. Fun fact: I practiced putting lipstick on with my lack of chest for weeks when I first saw that movie. No idea if I still can do it now, but I feel the uttermost confidence.

The key to the 80’s style, is the blazer. The blazer makes everything better.

As a year comes to a close, I’m trying to think of the things I want to accomplish in the new year. I love thinking of others before myself, it’s easier to do. I love giving gifts to friends, cooking for others, listening to others; it’s easier than dealing with my own shit. This year I’d like to be a bit more selfish (a healthy selfish). I want to travel more. I’m currently planning a trip to Iceland, California, London and the Amalfi coast, and upstate NY. I want to attend more concerts, I hate hearing a band I love broke up or someone quit, and I never got the chance to see them in their original settings—I’ve already seen Violent Femmes and Letters to Cleo, and there’s a few more this year that I plan on going to. I also use to love writing children’s stories in college, and I’m trying to get back into that as well. I just want to do all the things that I’ve been putting off. Feeling optimistic about 2019.

What are some things you want to accomplish in the new year?