Neutral Spring
To be honest, I'm not a fan of Spring, especially in New England; I hate "in-between" states. Fall: crisp air, cute layers. Winter: cold, forever bundled in fair-isle. Summer: hot, cute dresses and shorts. Spring: wtf. Flowers are blooming, but I'm still freezing and wearing thick layers of black. I know there's dozens of options I can do, but I'm lazy. During Spring, I look like a sad child of Winter. So truthfully, for this look, I'm wearing a bunch of Fall items, with neutral tones to get that Spring vibe.
But I'm starting off Spring right. I just partnered with Tobi, an online retailer based out in LA. TONS of items to choose from, and a little something for everyone. I went with this oversized sweater, because it was perfect for Spring. Warm, but very lightweight. Get the look below!
In-between states always bother me. I can never do something half-way, I either go for it or I don't do it at all. Sometimes it's an issue, I'll dive into something head first or I just tan by the pool. I can never just wade in the water. (Diver analogies... #sorrynotsorry). Right now, I feel like a very in-between state in my life, and it's driving me crazy. I want to make a move, a change, something drastic, but making a substantial change comes with uncertainty. Like you'll never know if you'll like having bangs, until you get them, but if you don't look good, it's too late and you have to live with it for a few months. P.s. I have been debating about bangs in case you don't follow me on Snapchat.

Get the sweater from Tobi here // Get the rest of the look below: