My blog turns 1!

It has been a year since the day I said "Screw it, I can do a blog too!" No seriously, that's how it started. I didn't have anything planned or a goal, all I had was a new hat I wanted to show off and a camera (oh and a T - I could of never done it without him). One year later, I'm still at it.
This has been such a wonderful, tiring, exciting, painful, and fun experience. I basically just described a Dawson's Creek episode in that last line. Running a fashion blog is hard. Running a fashion blog working two jobs is harder. But running a fashion blog after a layoff plus looking for work, sucks.
I always envisioned my blog having a carefree attitude, kissed with red lipstick and glitter. Lately, I feel that hasn't been the case and I'm sorry about that. I feel what truly makes any fashion blogger special and beautiful is her confidence. I love seeing a blogger viewing an article of clothing and saying, "This isn't just for my Carrie Bradshaw costume," or "I can wear this during the day!" and rocking it! Confidence is a beautiful thing.
I love this dress, and it makes me feel extremely confident. If a dress can perfectly sum up my personality, it would be this. I wore this to my Hocus Pocus party, and close friends agreed. It's Wednesday Adams, in flowered sequins: a little dark, a little weird, but a lot of happy. Being in this dress, and yes getting compliments, made me feel better. If retail therapy is your thing, go with it. Clothes are the cover designs to our stories, and this dress is my cover.
Thank you T and all my friends, readers, and The other Kate Spade Muses for encouraging me. Onward to another year.
Get the look:
Dress: Kate Spade // similar here // here
Earrings: Kate Spade // similar here // here
Tights: Nordstrom
Boots: Macy's on SALE! // similar here // here
Jacket: Vintage but similar here // here on SALE! // here.... ok and for the fabulous: here
Bag: Kate Spade