Design and humor... what more could you want?


Graphic Designer by day and fashion blogger by... well still by day.

Chilling Southie Adventures

Sabrina has been my “spirit animal” for the past two months. Not only is the show captivating for those who love creepy and weird, but I love how they’ve portrayed Sabrina. She has a dark edge, but continuously tries to remain kind and helpful, even to those who have hurt and doubted her. She’s complex and strong throughout the series, even when she’s unsure of herself—which I think we can all relate to. All in all, my own personal goal, remain strong, even when I’m doubting everything. We also share the same hairstyle right now, so I’m just going to go ahead and subtly cosplay her daily.

Speaking of strong women: my friend Heidi took these shots, one of the amazing women from my volunteer group One Brick. We binged Sabrina together, and I think we both agreed to start our own coven. Ok, maybe that was just me….. However, she just moved here from Canada a year ago (Yes, I saturate her with HIMYM references) and she has been such an inspiration. She embraces her weirdness, loves life to the fullest, and is just an overall sweetheart. We both discovered talking to a bunch of women in our group and our other friends; women have these dark and scary streaks that are part of our making, yet we are the ones that smile wider, laugh louder, and try harder. Female friendships are so important because together we become more resilient.

Lately I’ve been having a lot of general anxiety: do my friends like me, what have I accomplished, does blogging make me look narcissistic or empowered? One of my main fears is coming across vapid, when I know I have so much more to offer. It’s one of the reasons I decided to have an “eat, pray, love” experience and go to Iceland next month and clear my head. Heidi has been one of my rocks in all of this: just pack up, clear your mind, and go! It’s cool how how women, in solidarity, we cheer one another to be more independent. We share our secrets, stories, and our me too moments, and instead of trying to fix one another, we encourage and re-assure each other that we’re not crazy and we’re our own worst critics— just be yourself and screw everyone else.

Well that’s my female empowerment pep talk for the day: find yourself a squad and trust they want to be around you for a reason: stop doubting yourself. (mainly I’m chanting this to myself, until I believe it)

On a fashion note: don’t doubt that your summer romper can’t be worn in the winter. I paired my romper last seen here (and ON SALE) with this new silk evening blouse from J.Mclaughlin to give it a winterized look. But most importantly, I feel like Sabrina in this top. #fullcircle.