Design and humor... what more could you want?


Graphic Designer by day and fashion blogger by... well still by day.


1. THESE LEGGINGS! Softest leggings I've ever felt and made right here in the US by A Ruby! My roommate, who's never overly enthusiastic, exclaimed loudly "Wow!" when she felt these. She's very genuine; if she's actually impressed with something, she'll let you know, and it's a huge compliment, because if not, you don't get a freebie compliment. Now with me, you can wrap a box nicely, I'm floored - I have a low threshold for entertainment. So trust me and my roommate when we say, you need these! 

2. I'm going to Quebec for New Years with the boyfriend (ooh la la)! I've never been skiing before and it's something I've always wanted to do. I'm most certainly bringing this outfit because this is going to be perfect to lounge in. I have no idea what to expect, I feel like I just learned to stand in heels without falling over, so this is going to be an adventure. For years I asked my ex to take me skiing, the countless "subtle" groupons I'd send: waisted. Without even hinting or asking, my boyfriend was down for a wintertime adventure. I never knew how much I missed wanderlust activities, until I was with someone who had no interest. The current beau loves traveling though and isn't afraid to try new things - yet he's skied before several times. I'm excited (and nervous) to try something new that's not new for him, allowing myself to be vulnerable. It's kind of like a trust fall trip. Hopefully he catches me! Can't wait to keep you guys updated.