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Summertime Southie

Did you know coconuts have natural electrolytes?
The how and why I styled this outfit below my rambles.

I'm really only drinking this coconut because I'm dehydrated and hungover..... and because I 100% knew it would be insta worthy. My proclamation when I saw this shaved coconut: "Oooh this would be cute for the blog, and tasty!" Translated to: "Basic spilled in isle 3, we're going to need a mop."

I wear sunglasses in a lot of my posts, because they're great for hiding squinty/not looking in the right direction poses, but also, they hide the soulless-dead-in-the-eye creature I become on Sunday mornings when I normally force my roommate out of bed to do this. If you're on instagram, you should follow my instastories, where I divulge all the embarrassing "Behind the Scenes" outtakes. P.s. I hid it well in these photos, but Bill's Bar in Fenway has the most aggressive acceptance wrist-stamp ever. It took up a quarter of my arm..... Dear Bill's Bar, you win the stamp contest, chill out now.

This past weekend, I may have gone a little crazy, but I deserved it. My new job is with a luxury cruise line, and I do their print and digital advertising. We're a very small, but fiercely mighty team, and I just finished designing the 2019 "Brochure." I use quotations because this sucker was 152 pages, closer to a book than a brochure. I haven't worked in print like that in a long time, so the whole project was daunting. It's being printed right now (70K copies) and I lie awake at night  thinking the printer is going to call me saying something insane and I messed up. With print, once it's printed, there's no going back. I normally write these posts at 2am because I'm a night owl, and I have 0 time in my day (I mean I have to save at least 4 hours of Buffy viewing time), so in the morning when this goes live, I notice a ton of errors, and I have the opportunity to fix and save. NOT WITH PRINT! Just another thing to add to my anxiety. 

However, my work is sending me to the UK and Amsterdam! I'm so excited and will need to go crazy shopping. Confessions of a shopaholic. If you've been, drop me a note, would love to hear about your experiences.

For this look, I kept in mind summer colors; rockin the peachy tints, but also remembered how cold it is in offices during this time. Why does every office have to blast the AC the second it hits 70º? The J.Mclaughlin top is super lightweight and stretchy, great for indoors and outdoors; long sleeves to keep you warm but has a 'quick wick' feel for moisture protection. At work I would tuck this top in, but for the weekend, I gave it a fun twist and tied it. Also, the monochromatic look elevates any pair of jeans. To avoid looking like James and the Giant Peach, I cut this style with a blue denim jacket to break up the solidarity. It's technically a Canadian tuxedo, but because it's not all blue, no one knows.

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Some outtakes for you.... me prepping the jump and me attacking the neighbor's new puppy